We are Labor Outsourcing Services in Binh Duong, If you are in need of a service provider in the Binh Duong market, you can contact us and look for our company that is specialized in human resources solutions in Binh Duong market. Detail Dịch vụ cung ứng lao động Bình Dương (Vietnam language)
Services such upload cago Binh Duong, packing unload Binh Duong, biding production step in Binh Duong, for hiring personnel with short temporary supply of labor resources Temporary for the company.
We provide almost all human resources solutions for labor supply services in Binh Duong market and we are the No. 1 company with more than 10 years experience in human resources solutions for human resources
Accredited to the requirements of the supplier recruit fast-quality, affordable delivery staff Packaged with support meals and provide hiring packages for the most reasonable price.
Contact us:
HOTLINE: 02742.222.007 – 0943.41.41.91
Website: dichvulaodongthoidai.com